Whole beef sides, halves or quarters are available through Pataskala Meats. We usually need about a month or more to complete a beef order. Beef is sourced from our farm or our local farmer network and killed, then hung in a locker for up to 14 days to dry age. We will contact you to do your cut sheet so you can pick exactly how you want the animal cut and packaged. All cuts are vacuum packaged and froze ready for your freezer, no extra hidden charges for vacuum packaging or custom cuts. Refer to the custom butchering page for more information.
Current pricing (subject to market changes)
Beef $2.79 a pound plus processing ($1.20 a pound plus $80 kill and render fee per cow)
Approximate TOTAL price for the whole beef is $2900, actual charges based on actual weight.
Ethnic customers may purchase a whole beef and receive minimal packaging for a reduced price. Ethnic customers must tell us what size animal and pay a deposit, make an appointment and agree on kill date and cut date. Usually, cows killed one day hang in cooler to get cold, so they can be cut more precisely and safer on the saw on a different day. Cutting hot meat on the saw is dangerous.
Ethnic Beef is $3.00-$4.00 a pound hanging weight total price depending on product.
Keep in mind no boning out of meat and minimum packaging is included in this reduced price.
Whole pigs are available through Pataskala Meats. We usually need about a month or more to complete a hog order (bacon and ham curing takes a long time). Hogs are sourced from our farm or our local farmer network and killed, then hang in a locker. We will contact you to do your cut sheet so you can pick exactly how you want the animal cut and packaged. All cuts are vacuum packaged and froze ready for your freezer.
No extra hidden charges for vacuum packaging or custom cuts. Refer to the custom butchering page for more information.
Current pricing (subject to market changes)
Pork lump sum price point $500 – pig weight target 250 lbs, the price will be adjusted up or down if the pig is
heavier or lighter than target weight.
Whole hog roast pigs are available through Pataskala Meats. We provide 3 types of hog roast preparation. If we kill the hog, our standard policy is to skin the animal and remove the head and legs. Some hog roasters want the skin left on, we can leave the skin on but it will have hair on it, and not be shaved. USDA regulations do not allow us to leave the head on the pig due to bone fragments from the kill process. Approximate pricing is shown below:
Customer provides hog, lump-sum fee $75 kill and gut, split upon request.
We provide hog, current pricing $2.50 per pound hanging weight.
We order a BBQ hog from one of our distributors. These are more expensive than if we do the
preparation, but they have a complete body, head, legs, skin. You have to request the roaster
size and it will be delivered to our shop within that weight range. The current approximate pricing is $3.48-$4.00 a pound.
Ethnic customers may purchase a whole pig and receive minimal packaging for a reduced price. Ethnic customers must tell us what size animal and pay deposit, make an appointment and agree on the kill date. We DO NOT burn hair or allow hot water shaving of hair in the facility. All pigs are skinned.
Ethnic Pork approximate pricing $250 to $400 total for the hog. Keep in mind no boning out of meat and
minimum packaging is included in this reduced price.